Missions & Outreach

Mission Trip

Updates & Announcements

Prayer for World Harvest

Join HarvestNet International every Sunday from 7–9 p.m. at Gateway House of Prayer for their Harvest Watch, a time to pray for the Great Commission and world missions.


We believe God has given us a specific missions focus to plant churches, develop indigenous leaders, build up other ministries, and mobilize workers locally and globally. We have several pathways to choose from for anyone looking to get involved in the mission work of ECC .

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Purpose Groups

At ECC, we have Connect Groups that revolve around people, passion, or purpose. Our purpose groups are outreach and mission-focused. We can help you launch a group centered around the issue that is close to your heart. Reach out to missionconnect@ephratacommunity.church. You can also join a group serving in a specific cause or region.

Find a Purpose Group

Short-term Missions

Our short-term missions are designed to create meaningful opportunities where people encounter Jesus and his heart for the lost. On these outreaches, you will travel with a group of people from ECC to share the gospel in other nations while also serving the work of our mission partners.

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Volunteer with our Regional Partners

Learn about our International Partners

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Mission Support Teams

Impact the world from home. We have created support teams for our ECC missionaries that help to keep their connection with their home church thriving. These teams provide member care, pastoral support, and hospitality to mission partners as they serve on the field and visit home. Mission Support Teams are an excellent way to impact the nations from your home church.

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Mid- to Long-term Missions Opportunities

Have you done a few short-term missions and are looking for more? Perhaps you are discerning a call to missions? We have longer-term missions opportunities ranging from 6 months to two years or more.

Work alongside one of our international partners and see what long-term field work is all about. Check out the opportunities below and email missionconnect@ephratacommunity.church for more information.

Teaching English in Guatemala

ECC missionaries Oscar and Sharon Perez help to run a Christian school in Guatemala. They are always looking for native English speakers who can help teach English to elementary school children.

Youth With A Mission Jamaica

ECC missionaries John and Danya Hess are base leaders in beautiful Montego Bay, Jamaica. They are looking for staff to help develop training schools and mobilize the next generation of young Jamaicans into missions.

Church Planting in South America

ECC's longest standing mission partner is Ovid Schultz in Guyana, South America. He is a founding pastor, and his church is looking for help to plant another congregation in Mahaicony, East of Georgetown.

Church Planting in Asia

One of our mission partners oversees a large network of churches looking to plant 10,000 churches in 10 years. Be part of this massive movement among unreached people groups.